Am I Getting Excited?

You bet. After over two years of putting most of my life on hold I can see there is really a light at the end of the COVID tunnel. Crossing the border into the US has now caught up to the rest of the world and a test is no longer required to get back into Canada. Still have to register with NavCan but who cares as you can do that ahead of time.

I am already planning my trip to the US as early as the 28th of April as when I come back the test required will have been ended. Just getting away and on the road again is lifting my spirts and can’t come fast enough. Maybe stay down a week then back the first week of May for Toledo Train Day

Getting back to Fostoria, Bellevue, Bucyrus, Willard and Sandusky and seeing friends will put some life back in this old body.

Just getting out and actually back to normal will feel so good and I will feel years younger.

I will never get back the two years I lost but plan to make up for it but enjoying every day that I have left.

Take care and be safe but get out and enjoy life. Throw those masks away and quit living in fear.

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